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AI and NFTs are they profitable? I have been watching this part of the industry and as far as I have seen anything with NFTs is practically worthless. This type of digital receipt technology using the block chain does have its purposes but the whole thing top the bottom is practically you pump and dump scam

For whatever reason people created this type of programming using blockchain technology the overall idea is a good one but more or less it is just a receipt anyone can right-click and copy so people think that these jpegs have any sort of value and need to update their understanding of how images online work.

Images are posted online basically anyone can right-click and copy and paste and it’s an exact copy of the original whoever is sending out the idea that the NFTs hand value because they’re the original personally I think they’re mentally diluted. It doesn’t matter if it’s been copied once or 1,000 times the values are still zero.

Technically even the original image even if it has been hashed still does not matter. Someone can copy and paste it and use it for whatever and it still does not give it any sort of value.

The more I keep reading into it you might as well print off a poster and sell it to someone with an image on it of whatever artwork you’re trying to sell and that would have more value than these NFTs that people are paying tens of thousands of dollars for. And the people who are buying these super pixelated images and thinking they have some sort of value thinking that they’re going to retire off of them are going to be sailing mistaken and they wasted a massive amount of money for nothing.

I am not saying that these NFTs don’t have a place I think they do it’s just that someone was trying to hype up the whole idea and trying to make something out of nothing and then trying to make a lot of money off of it. The nft is no more than a tracking system. 

I think personally it is better off using it as a game item tracking system of some sort than trying to attach images or videos and say they’re worth something.

Because when you get down to the nitty-gritty of what NFTs are consisting of it is simply a little teeny text file inside of the blockchain just saying that this person bought this that’s all it is the images aren’t even stored inside of it they are stored on a separate server and if for whatever reason that server goes offline you just left with one line of text which is worth practically nothing.

There’s no intrinsic value to any of these images. If you want to get value out of the image you might as well go to an artist and pay them a commission to have artwork done and have it printed and if you wanted to you can sell it for some sort of money after the fact that in itself would have some sort of value. Because it is a physical item since there are no physical items and piece images are so garbage quality that even a kindergartener can put these things together there is no value whatsoever in these things 

So do I think that NFTs have any sort of value as a tracking system yes. As a way for artists to make money, it is not even worth it.

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By Rodney

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