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With e-commerce becoming ever more popular and people wind Creek ecosystems of their own online CMS systems have become the go-to systems for many people.

There are a wide variety of e-commerce types and CMS systems out there. Many of which are open source or are updated sometimes daily. They are created to fill almost every niche you can think of, from store sites to blogs like this one for portals for you name it people can probably build it with these systems.

Many of these systems have turned into a thing where they are one-click installs. For example WordPress, in many web servers, they are one click install so that the average person can go in and just start blogging and creating a website almost immediately. The old way people had to try installing these things by hand and they are very technical but now it’s the point where they’re fairly simple to use.

WordPress is a very popular CMS system that is very malleable. It can be changed and formatted with different plugins and it can even be turned into an e-commerce system with the correct plugins.

Other CMS systems like Joomla are somewhat similar to WordPress by operating at a completely different level and it can have thousands of articles and pages and data information running back and forth in a way that WordPress can’t handle but over time it will get difficult.

There is also more technical and high-end type CMS systems such as drupal. Drupal tends to be very tentacle and a lot of professionals use it because it is a small package and they can select very specific things and they can edit and change sections.

There are also e-commerce platforms such as press the shop which is an e-commerce platform that allows people to create their store site. It is fairly rigid but is strictly a store site. It can be changed and manipulated just as easily as any other CMS system but it is strictly designed to be a store site.

You also have big companies that offer CMS systems as a service such as Shopify where average people can go in to make an account and pay a monthly fee they can load the products in and take care of all the backend stuff. These systems tend to be for very large stores that do not want to hire people to maintain the back end in case of some sort of failure of the backend code.

CMS systems like Shopify are closed-sourced systems. That means they have a dedicated team to maintain all the store sites and it’s located on one platform but can be integrated into existing websites.

Open-source CMS systems in e-commerce are being maintained by volunteers or by donations from people to keep them running. 95% of the time these CMS systems are run on a server and they’re being completely maintained by the person who installed them so if something goes wrong it’s up to the person to get things fixed or they would have to get help from the web server that they are using from their customer service.

There are thousands upon thousands of different types of CMS systems. The ones they listed here are the major big ones but there are so many and people can create their own that it is hard to list all the others. But WordPress, Drupal Joomla, and Shopify are the main big ones that a lot of companies use. There are other ones but generally, these are the ones that are used for the majority of the time. 

By Rodney

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